Sunday 13 March 2016

How to Create a New Post in Blogger/ (with Screenshots)

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In this Article "How to Create a New Post in Blogger/ Step by Step"

If you haven't Visited the 1st Chapter in the series of "Howto Start a Blogspot Blog", I highly Recommend that you visit it. Click over Here "BloggerTutorials for Beginners - 2016 Edition (With Screenshots)"

If you have Already Visited the above links then you can safely Proceed.

Follow the Given Steps one by one to Create a new Post in Blogger/

After you Successfully follow the Steps given in Chapter 1 (mentioned in the Above Links) then you will come across a screenshot similar to the one shown below (Depending on your Blog's Title)

start blogging
Start Blogging

2. To get started with Blogging Click on "Start Blogging"........Then will get a screenshot similar to the one shown below

Create a New Post
Beginning of a new Blogger Post

2. Now Click on Create a New Post

3. You will get a following Screen (as shown in the Screenshot below)

Get Started with your 1st Post

Your First Ever Post on Blogspot / Blogger

How to use this Interface (the One Shown in the Screenshot)..........You will have to use this everytime you have to make a new post

1. Post Title : The Title of your Article - What Appears as the Topmost in your Article example

The Title of this Article is "How to Create a New Post in Blogger/ (with Screenshots)" which will go in the Blank box shown next to "Post" as shown in the Screenshot given below

Title Position


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